Our Curriculum

Play and education for children aged birth to five years.

All early years settings must follow the statutory guidance provided through the early years foundation stage (EYFS). Part of this framework includes guidance on supporting children’s learning and development, however settings are free to use their own knowledge and skills to provide a well rounded curriculum for children.
The curriculum at Brooklands Cove is heavily focused on child led play as we believe that children learn everything they need to know through their own explorations. Interest and enjoyment are key to young children repeating new actions which quickly become new skills.

When it comes to adult led learning, our job is to role model being imaginative, supporting children to feel confident to give everything a go and celebrating with children when they feel proud. As early years educators, we ensure that we stay up to date with current best practices and research related to child development.
We take aspects of lots of theorists and Modern approaches including Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Steiner, the Curiosity Approach and Hygge in the Early Years. We are currently working towards achieving our Hygge Accreditation.