Fees & Funding

View our fee structures and find out more about the Free Early Years Entitlement

The fees below are in place until 31st March 2024, please contact us for the fee schedule from 1st April 2024.

We offer three types of session; a full 10 hour day, a 5 hour (morning only) half day or a short day from 8:30am until 3:30pm. We charge fees by the session, all fees are calculated across 12 equal monthly payments so you can budget your childcare costs with ease. Monthly fees are charged upfront, for example you will pay your fees for September by 1st September. If your child is unwell or you are on holiday, full fees apply. Our setting is open for 46 weeks per year, you are not charged for the remaining 6 weeks of the year that we are closed.

We accept all funding and schemes including the Tax Free Childcare Scheme, Universal Credits (Childcare element), 15 & 30 hour funding entitlements and University support. Please let us know which funding schemes you are planning to use on application.

All non-funded contracts are subject to a deposit equal to 50% of their monthly fees. For example, a full 4 day per week contract will require a deposit of £575. A contract is not considered confirmed until a deposit has been paid, deposits should be paid on receipt of a contract and will be signed by Brooklands Cove once monies have cleared. Deposits are credited to your final invoice.

Non-funded fees include our full package of meals, snacks, drinks, nappies, wipes and milk (including formula).

Please note: fees are reviewed annually, usually in April. Parents will be given a minimum of one month’s notice for any fee increases.

Funded contracts are not subject to a contract deposit unless additional hours above the funding entitlement are required. When additional sessions are required, a deposit equal to 50% of the additional monthly cost will be due. For example, if a child attends 4 short days per week for a full 46 week year and is entitled to 15 funded hours, they will access approximately 60 additional hours per month. A deposit of 50% of the additional fees would be £224.38.

The Funded Early Education Entitlement provides free/subsidised education for young children. It does not cover the costs of additional services such as meals or extra curricular activities. We offer parents of children in receipt of funding access to our all inclusive package with a voluntary contribution of £1 per funded hour. For all additional sessions outside of the funding entitlement, the full package is included. If parents do not wish to pay the voluntary contribution, this must be discussed with us prior to entering into a contract. If parents/carers opt out of the voluntary contribution, all food, drinks, wipes, nappies and milk must be provided along with any costs of outings or extra curricular activities.